Misc Colour Calton Hill, Edinburgh (658)Vintage GMC 9500 (1259)St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh (624)Office Workers at Dusk (594)Sheffield Cathedral (562)Fishing Nets, Newfoundland & Labrador (542)Early morning, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta (2542)The changeable weather, wind and clouds reveal a quic snatch of sunNatural Tent Poles (218)Canada Goose In The Snow (508)Rose at 9/11 Memorial (570-4)Abandoned car on the outskirts of Taos, NM - slightly touched upOne of the last wooden escalators, at Macy's in New York 2010Street musician on Prince Street, New YorkChinese New Year, February 2010, Vancouver, BCGalleria Vittorio Emanuele II